Green tea is produced from the dried and steamed leaves of Camellia sinensis, and medicinal use of the tea dates back about 5,000 years to China. Green tea is a natural remedy and it is beneficial for medical problems. The health benefits of green tea are likely due to a substance called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). This substance accounts for about 40 percent of total polyphenol content of green tea.
The health benefits from Green Tea are primarily due to its anti
oxidizing properties. These health benefits include:
Anti Aging: Regular consumption of green tea can effectively the signs of aging. Free radicals created in body are responsible for corroding and aging it. The main job of anti-oxidants in green tea are to neutralize and rid the body of free radicals.
Astringency: Green tea tones up muscles and skin. Even if you do not wish to drink green tea, a mere mouthwash with this daily will cause sufficient contraction in gums to keep them firm and tight on teeth and thus prevent loosening and falling of teeth for long. Wash your hair with it and see them grow stronger each day.
Stimulating: Caffeine and Tannins, despite their adverse effects on health in the long run, are very good as stimulants. That is why a cup of tea makes you feel fresh and highly energized. Tea is ideal to counter fatigue, laziness, sleepiness and lack of energy and to improve blood circulation.
Immunity Boosting:The message is clear. Green Tea boosts immunity. Research shows that people who regularly drink green tea do not fall prey to common bacterial and viral infections. Green tea prevents bacteria from attaching themselves to cell walls and thus infecting them. They also destroy the toxins released by microbes which prevents bad breathe, dysentery, diarrhea, tooth decay, indigestion, flu, cough & cold, colitis etc.
Anti Carcinogenic: Apart from aging, free radicals are also responsible for causing certain types of cancer. Green tea has the power neutralize free radicals, prevent formation of carcinogens and reduce the chances of cancer. Green tea is now being clinically used in prevention of cancer, particularly those pertaining to colon, rectum, pancreas and intestines.
Reducing Cholesterol: Green tea has been seen effective in reducing cholesterol level to some extent, due to its alkaline nature.
Cardiac & Arterial Health: Certain components in green tea prevents thickening or clotting of blood which reduces chances of Arterial Sclerosis, Thrombosis, Cardiac and Cerebral Strokes etc.
Anti Diabetic: The alkaline nature of green tea helps reduce the blood glucose level. Moreover, the anti oxidizing and astringent nature of its constituents ensure good health; improving the function of pancreas, increased secretion of insulin, and improving the decomposition and absorption of sugar.
*instead of using sugar, use organic honey.
Weight Loss: You believe it or not, but green tea also helps lose weight by enhancing rate of metabolism. Green tea has replaced many beverages in Western culture as its helps in weight loss. Drink a cup full of green tea in the morning and you are sure to become nice and lean.
Stamina & Endurance Booster: You can prove this yourself. Just have a cup of hot green tea after rigorous exercise and you will be rejuvenated in minutes. Further, it effectively counters muscular pain and soreness because it will rehydrate the body.
De-intoxicating: Green tea is the best cure to get rid of hangovers and fatigue caused by consumption of alcoholic beverages and lack of sleep due to late night parties. A big glass of green tea with lemon, and lo, feels as if there was no hangover at all. Green tea with Lemon juice is a very good and popular remedy to cut effect of alcohols effect instantly.
On a more personal note, I love
green tea. My brand of choice is Yogi. They have many types of
different types of green tea for whatsoever you may need it for. I
usually start every morning with a cup of organic green tea, honey,
and a bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Throughout the day I may
have another glass or two. It helps me feel refreshed in the morning,
or helps me relax after a long day. You can purchase green tea from
almost any grocery store but I would go to a Trader Joe's,
Wholefoods, or organic food store.
"The greatest wealth is health."
Peace & Love