Monday, February 4, 2013


What is wheatgrass? Why is it called the perfect food? Many have stated, "It is the freshly squeezed juice from the young wheat which provides the sane benefits as eating a two pound green salad." It helps to increase the body's stamina, aids digestion, reduces cravings for addictive substances, improves fertility, makes bowel movements regular, and eases practically every physical and mental ailment you would expect to encounter among people who are not properly nourished. 

Wheatgrass is known to have all the nutrients necessary to sustain life. It's vitamins, minerals, and proteins all occur in their simplist forms, thus requiring the minimum digestive activity, and they are harmoniously balanced by nature in exactly the right proportion along with enzymes for maximum assimilation. Wheatgrass juice has as much vitamin C as citrus fruits and is as high in vitamin A as dark green lettuce or carrots. It's an excellent source of B-vitamins, including laetrile, and contains vitamin E and K as well. Wheatgrass contains all the minerals in healthy soil -- over a hundred, including calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and a variety of trace minerals such as selenium and zinc. It also contains all eight essential amino acids, which are said to be the 'building blocks' of protein.

The simple sugars in wheatgrass makes up for the sweet taste, and contains 70% chlorophyll. Extensive medical studies showed that chlorophyll did help to build healthy blood, improve circulation, cleanse the organs and gastrointestinal tract, heal
gum disease and ulcers, create an unfavorable environment for harmful bacteria, neutralize the polluting elements in food, air, water, and low-level radiation, freshen the breath, and neutralize body odors.

Recent studies have been focusing more on chlorophyll's cancer-defending abilities. In biologist Chiu-Nan Lai of the University of Texas Cancer Center in vitro. New animal studies in chlorophyll shield the body against the effects of carcinogens found in smoked or barbecued meats and protect you from aflatoxins, dangerous mold that can develop in peanuts, oils, and other foods. What makes chlorophyll prevent cancer? According to The Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the secret behind chlorophyll's ability to prevent cancer is its action of binding with cancer-causing chemicals while they are still in the digestive tract, thus blocking their absorption into the body.

So if you're wondering who started the idea of consuming wheatgrass.... You can blame Dr. Ann Wigmore who popularized the use of fresh wheatgrass juice for human consumption back in the early 1970s. She began to experiment on herself and found that by eating grasses she was able to cure gangrene in her leg. Then at Hippocrates Health Institute, she grew her own wheatgrass indoors under sun simulating lights and served the juice to her many guests who turned to her for help after exhausting conventional medical treatments. Wheatgrass juice has since helped thousands to recover from serious illnesses as documented at Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, and the Ann Wigmore Foundation in Puerto Rico.

On a more personal note I think wheatgrass in amazing.  I've found increases in my energy levels, its gave that extra boost when I'm working out, and has provideda better sense of well being. They come in a one ounce shot cup or two. I try to drink a shot a day. They usually range from $2.00 -$5.00, depending on the store and how many ounces you want. So go to your local juicers and enjoy a powerful shot of wheat grass!
 "The greatest wealth is health."
Peace & Love


  1. Love wheat grass the only shot I take! Thanks for spreading the word about it everyone should drink this everyday!

    1. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read the post. Have a blessed week!!!
